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4 Days North Ethiopia Tours

Day 1:

After an early morning breakfast, transportation to the Airport for a flight further north, which takes you to the oldest city in Ethiopia, Axum. 8 Km drive to the town for a check in at a hotel. Then start exploring Axum, a place where the cradle of Ethiopian culture, Christianity and the first capital of Ethiopia until the 9th century A.D.; On this day you will visit the small but rich archaeological museum, the famous Stele park, where the magnificent single block of stones erected since 3rd century, the Saint Mary of Zion Cathedral, where the original Holy Ark of the Covenant is still sheltered, however except one guardian (priest) no one is allowed to enter in to the sanctuary where the ark stays. Continuing your visit which includes the subterranean tomb of King Kaleb and his son king Gebremeskel, 6th Century AD, the trilingual inscription of King Ezana and finally visits the ruined palace and bath of Queen of Sheba who was the mother of king Menelik I of the 950 B.C, o/n hotel 


Day 2:

In the morning after breakfast , a transfer to the airport for a flight to Lalibela ,UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lalibela - the Jerusalem of Ethiopia, in a fitting finale to your Ethiopian adventure, after a quick check in to the hotel begin exploring the first group of the monolithic Red-Tuff churches incredibly carved into the rock. A guide will lead you through the network of crevices and tunnels linking each of the churches. The churches are still in use today. After a lunch break, continue visiting the second group which is located on the other side of river Jordan. Finally walk to the separately standing, uncovered and beautiful, Saint George Church down to the narrow path of the church. Step inside and you will see a robed priest going about his timeless business. Late afternoon you will be driven back to your hotel, o/n hotel 


Day 3:

Morning after breakfast transfer to the airport for a flight to Gonder, known as the “Camelot” of Africa, nestled in the foot hills of the breathtaking Semien Mountains National Park in the northwestern part of the country was the 17th and 18th century capital of Ethiopia, which was founded by Emperor Fasiladas (1632 – 1667) , and was home to a number of emperors, warlords, and kings who built several castles and palaces around the area. Visit to the oldest and the most impressive Gonderian structure, the magnificent castle compound including the two storied palaces of Emperor Fasiladas, built of roughly hewn brown basalt stone held together with mortar, the fantastically decorated Debre Brehan Selassie Church (light of Trinity), the bath (now baptismal place during Ethiopian Epiphany, January 19) of King Fasiladas, o/n hotel 


Day 4:

Early morning around 6:00 start driving to Bahirdar through the beautiful and fertile countryside on the Lake Tana side on newly paved road, it takes 2:30-3:00 hours transfer to hotel, after a short breakfast break take a boat trip on Lake Tana and visit two of the most accessible and representative of the monasteries with very beautiful wall painting from the medieval times still serving their original function, Ura Kidane Mehret and Azwa Maryam. After lunch break excursion to Blue Nile fall 32 km to the little town of Tiss Abay and walk for about twenty minutes to visit the famous Blue Nile Falls. The falls is locally known as Tiss Isat meaning, “Water that smokes”. Those who may wish to descend to the base of the falls must climb back to the other side and cross the Blue Nile in a boat in order to get back to the point of departure, transfer to the airport for your flight, Evening arrival at Addis Ababa. Then transfer to the airport for your departure.

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